Hip Flexor Stretch

Hip Flexor Stretch is an essential exercise to increase flexibility in the hips and thighs , as well as to prevent or relieve tension after long periods of sitting still or activity. This stretch is ideal for releasing the iliopsoas and other hip flexor muscles, which can improve mobility and reduce lower back pain.

Correct Technique

How to perform the Hip Flexor Stretch:

  1. Start in a kneeling position, with the right knee on the floor and the left foot forward, so that the left knee is bent at a 90-degree angle.
  2. Breathe in and as you breathe out, gently push your hips forward to stretch the hip flexor on your right side.
  3. Keep your back straight and your chest open. Avoid exaggerating the arch in the lower back.
  4. For a deeper stretch, you can raise your arms above your head and lean back slightly.
  5. Hold the position for 30 seconds to 1 minute , and repeat on the other side.

Common Errors

  • Too much bend in the lower back: Be sure to keep the core activated to avoid excessive sway in the lower back.
  • Knee over toes: Avoid the front knee going too far over the toes. Keep it above the ankle to protect the knee.

Modifications and Variations

  • Use support: If balance is a challenge, you can use a wall or chair for support.
  • Deeper stretch: Try lifting your back foot up towards the seat for an extra quadriceps stretch.

Repetitions and Sets

Hold each side for 30 seconds to 1 minute , and repeat 2-3 times as needed.

Breathing techniques

Breathe in deeply as you stretch your hip flexors. With each exhalation, try to stretch a little deeper, while keeping your hips stable and your back long.

Visual Tips and Angles

Watch this video for an in-depth tutorial on the Hip Flexor Stretch:

The video provides a detailed demonstration of how to perform the Hip Flexor Stretch for optimal effect.

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